A Texan journals on her life in the fast lane as a University Recruiter and what happens when she's not punching the time clock . . .
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
How to Hire Someone in Social Media

My friend, Jason Falls from Twitter has the right idea when looking to hire his next Social Media Marketer. He's posted the position requirements on his blog and is only looking for someone steller that connects to him via the various social media outlets.
In addition to listing the normal things like what this person needs to do and what they are hoping to find, he lists how someone can really stand out from the pack and make themselves known.
- Don’t send me resumes. Connect with me. I’m easy to find.
- Give me an elevator pitch on why you are the person we’ve described.
- Send me (via whatever electronic method you deem most efficient) a short list of what you’ve done and where I can find evidence of it. Or have a full profile on LinkedIn. It’s easier that way.
- If your profiles are hard to link to you on social media sites, tell me which are yours and what you’re hiding.
- Understand this will be a competitive search and I’m hiring one person. Be outstanding.
Great job, Jason. I'm looking forward to watching your search progress.
Monday, April 14, 2008
So this is what happens when you blog

Seriously, Julie, my cousin, couldn't have dreamed in her wildest dreams that this would happen to her.
Back in 2002 Julie began to blog. She set out in her blog titled The Julie / Julia Project to write about her experience cooking every recipe in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Who knew people would read the blog?
In 365 days she was going to cook 536 recipes and write about it. Who knew she'd publish a book about it now titled Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen.
After a successful book tour, who knew she'd watch herself portrayed on the streets of New York as they filmed about it in a film titled Julie & Julia?
But all of that has happened to Julie.
In October 2007 they named Amy Adams to portray Julie and Meryl Streep was cast to play Julia Child and Nora Ephron directing.
And just how does Julie feel about all of this especially when Amy Adams isn't allowed to meet my dear cousin? Well catch her latest blog posts on What Could Happen.
Good for you Julie. I'm so terribly proud of your accomplishments!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
UT vs Texas State
Jareck and I catch a game at the Round Rock Express' Dell Diamond
Mobile post sent by khaynes using Utterz.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Three Cheers for Good People

It's the person that held the door open for you as you left the store with your hands full of bags.
It's the person that let you sneak into their lane during rush hour not realizing you were running late to a meeting with your boss.
It's the person across the cubes that said bless you when you sneezed.
In our real world it's simple to find really good people. Is it any different on our social networks? Not really. But it takes a commitment from you on the front end to establish relationships in order for others to talk back to you and show you a glimpse of their good side.
I had a chance to speak with several recruiters today over a conference call that I had recently connected to across various networks. We called in from Minnesota, Atlanta, Dallas and Oregon. We've never met in person, but we have started conversations online. Once on the phone it was as if we'd known each other for quite sometime. We simply jumped on introduced ourselves and the call ensued. We asked questions, suggested solutions, posed theories and within a few short minutes left having really connected and with plans to connect again.
The relationships established online happen much more quickly and for the most part much more effortlessly and without as much work.
Twitter is my social network of choice and has been since Chris Brogan introduced me to it in September 2007. I didn't met him on Twitter, but rather on Facebook. Then I found a post on his website that led me to an interview that Guy Kawasaki conducted with Chris which asked him some of his top hints. One of the hints was using Twitter. So I signed up. Yes, I'm open to new adventures.
Within 5 minutes from joining, Chris sent out a note to his followers asking them to introduce themselves to me and boom. I was in thanks to Chris. As of today I have almost 700 people following me on Twitter. It's amazing.
And it's all because I follow good people and good people follow me back. The relationships have grown both online and offline. I've met people from all walks of life who are simply doing just that. Living. We giggle together. Laugh together. Cheer each other on. Joke with one another.
Gary Vaynerchuk had posted a wonderful idea today asking each of us to chat about the Good People that we know. And I'm not one to disregard a challenge especially for an idea as good as this.
So here are a few of my own personal favorite recommendations of good people you'll find on Twitter. If you haven't joined us on there yet, we'd love to have you!
@chrisbrogan - Known as The Mayor of twitter and super nice guy in Boston
@conniereece - Social media and PR goddess in Austin
@susanreynolds - Social marketing pro and cancer survivor in D.C.
@shashib - Social Media Swami (his biz card reads that!) in D.C.
@thomsinger - Networker extraordinaire in Austin
@chrisbergman - Marketing specialist and all around great guy in Cincinnati
@tojosan - Computer programmer and photographer in St. Louis
@pistachio - Social media maven and consultant in Boston
@karasoluri - Social media queen in training and mom in Austin
@mikeneumann - Business development consultant and all around great guy in Austin area
@sheilas - Blogger, Traveler, Former Navy, more energy than my small toe in Austin area
and my, my, this list could go on and on, but these are simple a few folks who have made an incredible impact on my life. Thank God for Good People!
Twitter in Plain English
I'm often asked about Twitter and why to join and what's the point. This is a great explanation of the phenomena. Enjoy!
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