For me of late I feel like I've been living at my office. Our organization, like so many across the nation has been hit by troubling financials. I work for a day-trading firm and because of what they do they do better when the stock market is acting crazy as opposed to staying calm.
Meanwhile, in my rather back office work which is Human Resources (HR), I don't know if I've ever been busier.
Aside from a number of projects that were in play for a number of months that are all coming to a head in the next couple of weeks, I'm not sure that most employees always understand all the things that their HR department does either in the hiring process or the firing / laying off / disassociating of employees. There's a TON to do.
HR is the keeper of all things legal, often times the organizer of all things fun, the listener of both the good and the bad, a guide to executive management in important decisions and holder together of much. Sometimes a bit daunting if I do say so myself.
But, I love it. I love the idea that I'm here to help people and our company. Even exhausted and out of breath, I'm thrilled that I'm working in the capacity that fulfills me the most.